8th Congress of the Société d’Etudes Samaritaines
Conference venue and accomodation for conference guests:
Evangelisches Augustinerkloster zu Erfurt
Augustinerstraße 10
99084 Erfurt
New: Program Here
The 8th Congress of the Société d’Etudes Samaritaines will take place in Erfurt (Germany), 15th-20th July 2012, jointly organized by the SÉS and the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Theology. The Congress of the SÉS meets every four years and is the most important meeting of experts working in the field of Samaritan studies worldwide.
Lectures may deal with any aspect of the Samaritan community, their contemporary life and living conditions, their history, their religion and their laws, their literature and languages etc. Scholars who wish to give a paper at this conference are invited to submit their proposal (see contact below) before 2nd January 2012. The proposal should state the paper’s topic, purpose, and main arguments, to be evaluated for acceptance by the scientific committee of the conference. A lecture should not exceed 30 min (plus 10 min discussion). SÉS-membership is not required at the time of submitting. Junior scholars are especially encouraged to submit a proposal.
→ Official Letter of invitation
→ Letter to Aaron b. Ab-Hisda b. High Priest Jacob,
High Priest of the Samaritan community